Yet another FAQ from Yours Truly. In this FAQ, I am going to muster in some common questions asked by hesitant beginners (Newbies or noobs for you). I have tried my level best to garner whatever questions sprang up in my mind during my kiddie days. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
[0] What is Hacking?
Hacking is an art. An art of finding - how things work, why they work and how you can manipulate it, so that it works on your commands. Hacking is not based on the so-called “code of ethics”. It is all based on pure imagination, creativity, inquisitiveness and thinking out of the “box”.
[1] Who are Hackers?
Hacker is a computer-enthusiast, a skilled programmer, a good social engineer, who knows his way around computer systems. Hacker is a problem-solver. For a Hacker, computer is nothing but a reward and Internet is an unexplored treasure house.
[2] Who are Script Kiddies?
Script Kiddies alias skiddies are low-profiled ignorant cunts, who break into computers with malicious intent, propagate cyber-terrorism, use already available toolset, rip exploit codes and remain nescient all through.
[3] What is 1337/l33t speak?
1337 or l33t speak is a typeset and widely used Internet language. It is the graphical denotation of numbers that resemble an English alphabet. In this lingo, several English words are misspelled to give an indifferent touch. It was extensively used by the “old-sk00l h4×0rs” during the BBS days. Nowadays. It is used commonly in online gaming sessions. Example: j00 907 pwn3d!
[4] What programming languages are important for hacking?
Start with C to acquire the basic methodologies of programming. After gaining certain efficiency in C, move on to ASM to get deep into more advanced stuff. You could also try your hands with Perl, Python, or Ruby for quick scripting, exploit development and easy-to-use tools.
[6] What is the difference between *nix and Linux?
*nix is a family of operating systems that constitutes of different operating systems that are based on UNIX. It was developed at AT&T Bell laboratories in the 70’s. It houses popular operating systems such as GNU/Linux, as well as BSD and BeOS.
Linux is a UNIX-based monolithic kernel, developed by a Finnish student, named Linux Torvalds in 1991. The source code has been developed in C and it is freely available. Linux is not immensely popular. However, as a web server, Linux is the best choice.
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