"All guys want sex", "all the nice guys are either gay or taken", "I'm never going out with guys again", "I'm turning lesbian because I'm just sick of guys", "where are the nice guys?", "I attract the wrong kind of guys", "all guys do is want me for sex", "guys are stupid", "guys are so hard to understand". Blah blah blah blah blah.
The first question that seems to be on many women's mind is "Do all guys think about sex?"
Yes, does that mean it makes them use girls for only sex? Absolutely not.
Does that mean there are guys out there who wouldn't use you for sex? Absolutely
Are men capable of real relationships? Yes
What everything comes down to is YES, all men think about sex. Statistics say that the average man thinks about sex 70% of his day. That's a lot of sexual images, isn't it? What if I told you that statistics also said that the average woman thinks about sex 40% of the day? It's a 30% difference, but does that not make it a lot? Does that not justify that everyone thinks about sex? Clearly, the average person, no matter what gender, thinks about sex everyday. Well damn Brandon, I thought that males think about sex all the time!
No. (Buzzer sound) you are incorrect. We're all human beings, we all want sex to some degree. So, what's the big deal? Well, no one wants to blame their problems on themselves. They don't take responsibility and point the finger at someone else to make them feel better.
So, this woman (let's call her Dumbass), started going out with this guy. Oh, she really liked this dude -- he was really attractive, had a nice body, loved to party, etc. She started to realize that he was more of an asshole than she thought...a real jerk, who only wanted her body. I mean, she liked this guy since she first layed eyes on him! How could she not see what he really was like?
Oh yeah, she could of gotten to know him more...y' know, like be friends? Start out slow? Travel to different places that would have less drunks, meet new guys, find out who's legit and who's not? But nah, friendship...come on, the dude looked good, that's all that matters. If he doesn't look good, then what kind of person is he? Non-physically attractive people have no personalities.
Women, have you ever asked yourself the question "where are the nice guys"? From now on, think about how many friends you have that are males. Let's see...there's my best friend, who I talk about everything with, he's always there for me, etc. Wait! Stop right there. Now ask yourself that same question again.
My point is that they're all around. I'm not going to say "nice guys finish last", I don't want you to feel bad for the nice guys out there, but I want to teach you how to answer your own questions. My point is that you're wrong. Your beliefs are wrong, and there's nothing that I can do to change them. Some women will always believe that they won't ever be satisfied with what they have. It used to be that size was an issue. If men in porn can satisfy a woman with a 12 inch dong, then that must be true in reality. So, let's try it. "Ow ow ow ow ow ow ouch...I can't do this". She's got his penis half-way in her vagina and she's already complaining. Of course, if she needed a 12 inch dong, her vagina must be really loose.
Now it's about true relationships. Men supposedly have a hard time being committed to a relationship because I guess they're incapable of feeling other emotions. All the feeling goes to his cock. He'll love you with one blowjob a day.
With that being said, guys are simple. If a guy is anything other than simple, then something must of happened in his past that made him complex.
Basically, there are two main types of guys in the world:
Guys who want sex and nothing but sex, and guys who want sex and want more than sex.
If the guys you are dating only want you for sex, then you're looking for the wrong type. Stop complaining, stop making the wrong kind of guys look bad, and just move on. There's no point in being a bitch about it. If all you're going to do is complain about how bad guys are, then go lesbian. Lesbians have drama too, y' know. You can't avoid problems.
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